Embracing the Future & Healing the Past
One Child at a Time
![Embracing Destiny Foundation - [Fight]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/84d990_b163d015747644249af1e6a49fc1b323f002.jpg/v1/fill/w_801,h_451,enc_auto/file.jpeg 1x, https://static.wixstatic.com/media/84d990_b163d015747644249af1e6a49fc1b323f002.jpg/v1/fill/w_1602,h_901,enc_auto/file.jpeg 2x, https://static.wixstatic.com/media/84d990_b163d015747644249af1e6a49fc1b323f002.jpg/v1/fill/w_2403,h_1352,enc_auto/file.jpeg 3x)

With Your Help We Will Succeed!

Say Hello To Our

Teaching a New Way for a Better Tomorrow
Whenever possible, our goal for each child is to transition the child back into the home or into a less restrictive environment. Embracing Destiny Foundation is committed to providing family therapy to the families of as many clients as opportunity presents itself.

What Do We Do?
Embracing Destiny resoundingly has embarked upon the discovery that utmost continuity betwixt our staff and Residential Treatment Center residents fortifies conservation of our residents and their ability to listen, adhere and ultimately benefit from the overall scope of services rendered to our most forgotten treasures of our world; and if treated as our worlds most valued possession, they will internalize it as such and conduct themselves accordingly.
Ultimately, we are creation of thought and verbal expression, profoundly formatted in our physiological, psychological, spiritual and emotional composition. Yet, we are designed to create and duplicate our Creator in heart, will, mind, thought, motives, morality, etc.; thus, we are mandated to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. So, Embracing Destiny has pledged itself, in its entirety to recreating loving, unique, and social intellects.
Embracing Destiny’s definition of branding differs from industry knowledge and standards. Our non-proprietary branding stems, reaches and transcends beyond cultural, ethnic, and/or social or business criterions. Our understanding of branding is that of, branding “character” via the individuals. Embracing Destiny’s objectives are to prune the layers of refutable characteristics to the plight of branding unique characteristics that will perpetuate more unique brands our world will never cease to love and desire.
Our vision is that of “build the brand”. By this methodology, our strategy yields us and society the greatest returns on productive and integral lives of the male populace. Instead of their pants being below their knees, they are upon their waist; instead of the hair unkept, it’s neatly manicured; instead of the language being laced with obscenities; it’s washed with words of grace and respect; instead of the psychosocial makeup being oppressed and misguided; it’s clear and intrinsically working properly. This is culmination at its best.
Who Are We?
Our services promote and target personal well-being psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually, in which sets apart in design, operation and functionality
Embracing Destiny Foundation (EDF) affords preadolescent to adolescent children an alternative to living in an unsafe and/or unwelcomed environment
Embracing Destiny Foundation has been in business since January 5, 2005
Services/Treatment Focus:
o Children 7-24;
o Behavioral Issues;
o Addictive Disorders;
o Emotional Distress;
o Trauma (abuse, neglect and abandonment, etc.)
o Problems at School;
o Problems at Home;
o Judicial System History;
o Impulse Control Problems

Take A Look
At Some Of Our Programs

Residential Treatment Center
Embracing Destiny Residential Treatment Center offers hope and healing for youth ages 7 to 24
Step-Down Program
This program serves a wide range of psychiatric and psychological diagnoses including personality, eating, post traumatic and mood disorders
General Residential Operation
Embracing Destiny’s General Residential Operation Center utilizes a relationship-based treatment model
Individual/Group Therapy
A resident needs encouragement to participate in individual therapy, group therapy, milieu activities, taking advantage
Transitional Living Center
Embracing Destiny’s Transitional Living Center provides continued treatment and residential accommodations for adolescents who have aged out
Family Therapy
Whenever possible, our goal for each child is to transition the child back into the home or into a less restrictive environment
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